Today: Tuesday 18 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Friday 10 Dec 2021
Acceptances announced on the Result Page. Nominees announced.*****Winners will be announced on the Ceremony on 20 June 2023.

Jury of Salon

There are juries from 6 different continents. A group of 5 Judges in each section, as:

Romain NERO, EFIAP/p, Luxembourg (Sections: A B C)

Ebrahim BAHRAMI, EFIAP, Iran (Section: A)

Ioannis LYKOURIS, MFIAP, HonEFIAP, Greece (Sections: A B C)

Mohammadreza MOMENI, EFIAP/b, Iran (Section: B)

Reha BILIR, AFIAP, ESFIAP, Turkey (Sections: A B C)

Mohammad Reza CHAIFOROOSH, Iran (Section: F)

Leon PELSER, AFIAP, South Africa (Sections: A B C)

Mohammad Reza MASOUMI, AFIAP, Iran (Section: C)     

Joanne STOLTE, HonPSA, MPSA, EFIAP, USA (Sections: D E F)

Agatha Anne BUNANTA, FPSA, GMPSA, GPSA, EFIAP/p, Indonesia (Sections: D E F)

Ahmed ALBUSAIDI, HonEFIAP, EFIAP/s, Oman (Sections: D E F)

Seyed Ehsan MORTAZAVI, EFIAP/b, Iran (Section: D)

Mario MIRABILE, AAPJA, EFIAP, MAPS, Australia (Sections: D E F)

Ehsan NIKFARJAM, Iran (Section: E)